
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-18 23:00:13


Maybe you wash your hair every day, but the hair is still very oily, or you buy a very expensive shampoo, but you find that there is no hair for you. These problems are probably due to the wrong way of washing your hair, or your shampoo is not suitable for your hair. Today the literacy stick, help you out of the basic knowledge and practical finishing hair, make your hair in winter is still not compliant to frizz



In many people's ideas, it is believed that washing the hair often hurts the hair, but the dust attached to the hair is more harmful to the hair if it is not cleaned.


As we all know, the air is not clean now. If you go out for a day, whether it is scalp or hair, it will be contaminated with dust and grease. Once the dirt becomes more, it will block the pores and cause inflammation. In the long run, it will cause hair loss. So, if you think the hair is dirty and dirty, if you go out, you should clean it back.



Too high water temperature will aggravate the sensitive symptoms of scalp, and make hair become fragile. The normal water temperature should be controlled at around 38 degrees. When you feel the temperature of your hand, you will feel cold or not.



Many people take the shampoo directly to the top of the head in order to save it, and then rub it with his hands. In fact, it is a very wrong way to do it. Since the unsaponified shampoo is directly exposed to the scalp, it will not only stimulate the scalp, but also lead to hair loss for a long time.



After washing hair must be dry, because the water in the hair stays longer more easily irritable, and wet hair will be contaminated dust.


But the high temperature of the blower will take away the moisture of the hair and induce the static electricity. So it is suggested that you choose a hair dryer that can emit negative ions, keep a certain distance from the scalp and keep it in a moderate constant temperature until the hair is dried, so as to reduce the occurrence of static electricity.



Shampoo according to their hair and scalp matter to choose, or use your vain. For example, love out of oil hair must use clean power and oil control products; soft hair to reduce hair pigment containing silicone frequency; the dry fork or often dyed perm must add nourishment, efficacy based on clean hair care products.


Tell you some of the key words in the formula, and you may use it when you pick out the shampoo.




Although the amino acids are less decontamination, the moisturizing force is relatively stronger and the composition is weak acid so it reduces the stimulation of the scalp.




Youpi too strong cleaning but not good, although not a kind of glucoside to the role of oil control, but it can use the most gentle way to enhance decontamination effect, and the safety components.




The component of acetic acid can interact with the charge of the hair to reduce the generation of static electricity.




Many of the repair types of shampoo contain this ingredient, it has the best nourishing effect, and can repair the wool scale but the price is relatively high.




The ingredients are more mild than the amino acids, and can soothe the more sensitive scalp and reduce the irritation caused by cleaning.



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